Congratulations Teens! We’ve all made it to the Vernal Equinox, or first Day of Spring. This morning at 5:01 a.m., the Sun crossed over Earth’s Equator. Today is one of two days a year when we have equal day and equal night, hence equinox. But unlike the Autumnal Equinox on the first day of fall, our days now become very exciting, as the Sun will spend the next six months above Earth’s Equator, meaning more daytime than nighttime. Days will continue to grow longer for the next three months until the summer solstice in late June.
So, get ready for spring peeper frogs, blooming flowers and trees, baseball season and whispers of the school year coming to a close. We’re on the home stretch now!
Key to Knowledge! Key Club is holding a new/lightly used Book Drive to collect books that need a new home. Time to clean your shelves and drop off your books to room A208 or outside the AAHS Main Office. The Book Drive will run March 24 through April 4. Every book makes a difference. Donate a book today!
Attention Students: AAHS March Madness brackets are now available, both in paper copy in the Cafeterias and via your student email. Click the link provided in your email to register your picks online and be eligible for our 2025 bracket challenge, and the prizes that come with it. Remember, picks must be made before the challenge locks on Monday, March 24 at 7:00 a.m., as games begin later that day. Good luck and pick strong!